About the Department

The Department of Mathematics was established in 2020, significant contributions of its eminent faculty members and their scholars.

The Department offers B.Sc Mathematics

The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics provides a strong background to the fundamentals of mathematics.
There is a large demand for people with strong analytical skills and a broad-based background in the mathematical sciences. The 3-year B.Sc programme will prepare a student to avail many diverse attractive opportunities.

      Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is implemented as per the UGC guidelines. The Outcome Based Education (O.B.E.) is adopted from the Academic Year 2020-21. The present faculty members have done substantial research in their respective fields and induced some research scholars to take up further research work for their Ph.D. 


      The vision of the department is to become learning and research, bring out the potential of students by providing quality teaching and to work for wellbeing of humankind through the study of Mathematical sciences.


        The mission of the mathematics department is to provide an environment where students can learn and become competent users of mathematics and mathematical application to continue to grow in their chosen professions, and to function as productive citizens.